Getting Redirected URI’s In Powershell
I recently ran into an issue where I needed the direct resource URI in a Powershell script. This is incredibly useful if you need to parse the actual URI instead of just pulling the resource the redirecting URI is pointing at. In my case I wanted the Firefox URI which points at the executable so I could pull the version out the of URI without having to download and analyze the executable.
You need to first grab the response head from an Invoke-Webrequest:
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Head -Uri $Uri
Next, we need to determine if we’re using Powershell 5 or Powershell Core and pull the Absolute URI out of the request object:
if ($request.BaseResponse.ResponseUri -ne $null) {
# This is for Powershell 5
$redirectUri = $request.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri
elseif ($request.BaseResponse.RequestMessage.RequestUri -ne $null) {
# This is for Powershell core
$redirectUri = $request.BaseResponse.RequestMessage.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri
Now, sometimes you may get another redirected URI as a response. In these cases you’ll need to determine that and handle it. This is done through error handling by catching and looking for HttpResponseException matching 302 and then running the whole thing again:
if (($_.Exception.GetType() -match "HttpResponseException") -and ($_.Exception -match "302")) {
$Uri = $_.Exception.Response.Headers.Location.AbsoluteUri
$retry = $true
else {
throw $_
This is a quick and easy way to pull the redirected URI’s from a given URI. Putting it all together we get the function below:
function Get-RedirectedUri {
Gets the real download URL from the redirection.
Used to get the real URL for downloading a file, this will not work if downloading the file directly.
Get-RedirectedURL -URL ""
URL for the redirected URL to be un-obfuscated
Code from: Redone per issue #2896 in core
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
process {
do {
try {
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Head -Uri $Uri
if ($request.BaseResponse.ResponseUri -ne $null) {
# This is for Powershell 5
$redirectUri = $request.BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri
elseif ($request.BaseResponse.RequestMessage.RequestUri -ne $null) {
# This is for Powershell core
$redirectUri = $request.BaseResponse.RequestMessage.RequestUri.AbsoluteUri
$retry = $false
catch {
if (($_.Exception.GetType() -match "HttpResponseException") -and ($_.Exception -match "302")) {
$Uri = $_.Exception.Response.Headers.Location.AbsoluteUri
$retry = $true
else {
throw $_
} while ($retry)