1 minute read

When it comes to analyzing logs from Intune and pulling them into Splunk the process is very simple. I’ve only set up the Azure/Intune side of things but the Splunk side should be fairly simple based on my reading.

Azure Setup

  1. Log into the Azure Portal.
  2. Create a resource group for the Intune/Splunk integration.
    • This can be done separately or when you create the Log Analytics Workspace.
  3. Create a Log Analytics Workspace.
  4. Create an Event Hubs Namespace.
    • All left as default aside from naming.
  5. Create an Event Hub.

Intune Setup

  1. Log into the Intune Portal.
  2. Navigate to Tenant Administration > Diagnostic settings.
  3. Click Add diagnostic setting.
  4. Name the setting.
  5. Select the Send to Log Analytics option and choose the Log Analytics Workspace created earlier.
  6. Select the Stream to an event hub option and choose the Event Hub created earlier.
  7. Select the categories of logs to send to the Event Hub.
  8. Click Save.

Splunk Permission Setup

  1. Log into the Azure Portal.
  2. Navigate to Microsoft Entra ID.
  3. Create a New registration.
    • Give the application a name.
    • Select the Accounts in this organizational directory only option.
    • Click Register.
  4. Create a Client Secret.
    • Click Certificates & secrets.
    • Click New client secret.
    • Give the secret a description.
    • Set the expiration.
    • Click Add.
    • Note: The secret will only be displayed once.
  5. Navigate to the Event Hub Namespace created earlier and go to the Access control (IAM) section.
  6. Assign the Azure Event Hubs Data Receiver permission.

Splunk Setup

This is the portion I haven’t done. It should be fairly simple using the Microsoft Azure Add-on for Splunk.
